Saturday, March 08, 2014

FDA approve use of long acting testosterone injection - Aveed (Nebido).

Nebido is a long-lasting testosterone injection that can be effective in the restoration of testosterone levels in patients with Kallmann syndrome and congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.

The testosterone undecanoate injection is given as a deep muscular depot injection. After the initial two injections between 4 and 6 weeks apart as a loading dose injections are subsequently given every 10 to 12 weeks depend on the response.

Nebido has been in use in most parts of the world for a number of years (Reandron in Aus & NZ).
After being refused a licence in the past the FDA has now approved its use under the trade name of Aveed.

This injection gives patients another alternative to their testosterone delivery and the longer period between injections might be more convenient for some patients.

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