Tuesday, August 09, 2011

A meeting for patients with Kallmann syndrome or HH is planned for

Saturday 12th November at the the Royal Free Hospital in London.

Guest speakers will be Prof. Pierre Bouloux from London and Prof. Nelly Pitteloud from Switzerland.

It will be a fairly informal meeting with a few medical presentations, question & answer sessions and plenty of time to talk to fellow patients.

More details to follow, but to register your interest please e-mail:


Being able to talk to other people with Kallmann syndrome and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism makes a lot of difference to how a person copes with having the condition.

Since the condition is so rare and it involves an area which is difficult to talk about people with KS can feel very isolated and feel like they are the only person with the condition.

The ability to contact, talk to and meet other people with the condition is almost always a very worthwhile exercise.

There are 2 groups on Facebook where you can contact other people.

One is called "Kallmann's syndromers". It is an open group where you can post comments and ask questions. There is also a chat option to talk to other members. Other people on your Facebook profile will see you are a member of this group.


If you wish to remain totally anonymous there is an also a private, "secret" KS group on Facebook which is only visible to members and people can post and chat in the knowledge that only people in the group can see the posts in the groups. Nobody on your profile will see that you are a member of the group. You can gain entry to the group by asking one of the current members to let you in, or send me an e-mail.

There is also a contact group on Yahoo containing some members very knowledgeable on KS.


I am always happy to hear from new people and will try to pass on contact details if other people want to get in touch.
