USA Patient Meeting 2013. Notes taken. Part 1.
Gender difference
between males & females.
It used to be thought that there were about five times more
cases of KS / CHH in males than in females. This has never been fully explained
by genetics.
One school of thought is that there is actually no gender
imbalance in reality. The disproportion in diagnosed cases might well be due to
the lack of correct diagnosis of KS / CHH in females. It is not easy to
correctly diagnose KS in females, especially if the oral contraceptive pill is
used in treatment.
Un-published work done in Boston took the numbers of 600
patients in known KS / CHH families and came out with a ratio of 1 : 1.3 male
to female cases.
Definition of a
“rare disease”.
A rare disease is defined as one that is found in 1 in 2,000
of the general population. With KS / CHH being at around the 1 in 20,000 mark
roughly it falls neatly in this category. About 8% of the general population of
the USA could be classified as having a rare disease.
Start of puberty.
The age of onset of puberty has a range of 10 to 15 years in
females with a mean of 12 years old. In males the range is 12 to 16 with a mean
of 13 years old. Typically puberty takes 5 years to fully complete.
The age puberty starts in males is not easy to distinguish
in boys whereas in girls it is marked by the first menstrual bleed.
2% of the population will show a constitutional delay of
puberty. This group will start puberty naturally at some stage but early
hormonal treatment might be given in appropriate cases.
Any delay of puberty by the age of 15 in females and 16 in
males should be investigated by a reproductive endocrinologist or a paediatric
testes at birth.
Occurs in 2% of the male population but in up to 40% of boys
with Kallmann syndrome.
GnRH and sexual
Sexual differentiation into the male and female physical
forms occurs in the first few weeks of life and is controlled by the hCG
derived from the placenta. This is normally unaffected in people with KS / CHH
so they are born physically male or female.
Normally there is a GnRH surge from the hypothalamus in the
developing baby in the final trimester and into the first 6 months of life.
This is a “mini-puberty” and can give rise to detectable levels of LH / FSH /
testosterone or oestrogen. This mini-puberty is missing in patients with KS /
CHH. This can be used as a diagnostic tool for babies where there is a
likelihood of KS / CHH being passed on. This test is more sensitive in male
infants than female infants.
The presence of micro-penis and un-descended testes at birth
seen in some boys with KS / CHH is related to the lack of testosterone in boys
in this mini-puberty.
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